Punjab Government Servant Benevolent Fund Educational Scholarships 2018-2019 Application Form Latest
Applications are invited from the children of in-service/retired/retired over dis-ability/deceased government employees of the Punjab Government on the prescribed scholarship form . for the year 20 18-19.
Only two children of in-service/retired employees of Government of the Punjab who have passed the examination of Matric or higher grade with at least 60% marks and are studying in the next class by getting adMission can submit application. However. if any Child is studying in any recognized special education institutethen the No. of children can extend up to three.
The NO. of children of deceased employees or the employees retired on the basis of disability of Punjab Govt. submitting application for the scholarship can also be extended up to three.
The children of deceased government employeesare also eligible to submit appli-cation:from primary to matric classes.
Reference letter No. BF-68/11. dated 07-09-2017, if both the parents are employ-ees of Punjab Govt. then they can also submit separate application for scholarship for their one each child.
All employees of Punjab' GovL stibmit applications:of their children duly attested the head of the educational institute on the prescribed application from through the departmental head in the following relevant office.
Nature of Employees / Office of Form Submission
All gazetted employees (Grade 16 to 22) & Non-gazetted Secretariat employees (Grade 1 to I5) / Provincial Welfare Fund Board Alfalah Building Shahrafre-Quaithe-Azam Lahore
All non-grade 1 to 15 employees besides Secretariat employees / Office of Deputy Commissioner (DC)/ Chairman District Welfare Fund Board of relevant. District.
The attested copies of following certificate/documents -must be:appended with the application.
i. CNIC/ of identity card/B-form of student,
ii. Copy of identity card of student's father and mother (both) or guardian.
iii. Attested copy of computerized pay slip of December 2018: of in-service cavern: mein employee. in case of retired employee anattested copy of pension book (P130).
iv. Copy of result card for the academic year '2018 issued by the board or university (result-Card Obtained from NET shall not. be 'acceptable) which testifies at Kt 60% or equivalent marks and the candidate is neither failed nor absent in any subiect..
v. In Castor-Li/Ain't)* monthly assistance a copy of sanction letter and mention of ledger No. issued a bank in the term..
vi. A certifieate of affiliation of their educational institute with the board/university and registration No. for the year 2018-19. by the male & femalatudents.-ofprivate educational institutions.
NOTE: All copies of documents are .attested by any competent authority/officer except parents. :Non-attested copies shall not be acceptable.
if applications for scholarship of children exceed the No. Paid down under the law. scholarship willonly be granted against two applications and the decision of com-petent authority in this regard shall be final,
In case ofGPA and CGPA, marks percentage criteria regarding-change in percent-age marks approved by HEC or concerned university must be attached. Prescribedapplication forms can be obtained from offices of Administrative. Officer Benevolent Fund. Alfalah Building Lahore and Deputy Commissioner(DC)! Chairman District Welfare .Fund Board or can also be downloaded from the web-site www.bfrns.punjab.gov.pk of the said office. Photocopies of the forms can also be used. However. application on old form will .not: be acceptable. \
NOTE: (i) Applications without_ required educational certificates/attested copies of above mentioned:documents and verification from head of educational institution and head of government department will be considered incomplete and stand rejected on this ground and no separate correspondence will be made in this regard.lii) Applications by hand or through mail will be received from 0101.2019 to 31.03.2019. Applications received late or befOre the publication of advertisement will also stand rejected and the excuse of delay due to mailing system will not be acceptable, therefore. appliCations Must be submitted up w 31.03.2019 in the relevant Welfare Fund Board. AHMED FARAZ ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER BENEVOLENT FUND PH:042-99204035